Monday, December 12, 2005

I vote for Maddog.

A lot of testosterone built up? I most certainly think so! Which is why we should consider going with Maddog. Simply put, come the evening of February 18, his little puppy will actually turn into a Maddog. Which now makes me believe that once that testosterone finds a new home, all those in the Suites surrounding the newly joined "Matsen's" shall hear the world's most pitchiest "SI!" ever released by the one formerly known as the Pup.


Jamie said...

The Hotel Californian formerly known as the Pup? I like it.

Litos said...

Not a bad new-name. and the yes, this will be the "Si" heard around the world.

Jamie said...

Pizza to the hotel? Safetyman and NoMac at the honeymoon door? Or am I getting ahead of myself -- do we have wedding hijinks to think up first? Cam? Are you in?

Litos said...

If three is not a crowd, count me in as Anti-Action Jackson or SpoonMan!! just give me some time such that i can appropriately prepare said costume!

Cameron Hulse said...

There is no question I am in and I think Hillman owes Matsen back for his wedding night.

Litos said...

Tu eres Pup.. es verdad.