Number four brings me much sorrow. It is a loss. No longer doth the light flicker. That light unto all. That beacon of fun and the college spirit. That soft, blue hue illuminating from above is gone. I like to think that the folks in the Goodyear blimp could see it when hovering over Cougar stadium, excuse me, Lavell Edwards Stadium. But, alas the The Hotel California Sign is gone. I witnessed it myself. Carl, too stands as a witness. When he and I were out in Utah flinging away, climbing the rock wall, dancing around to the new Chumplike band, wrestling in Sumo suits, eating a slice of pizza, and having the most fun waiting in line to do it all – we drove past the old Hotel California house and the sign was gone.
I felt a great loss. Like losing a friend. Not a friend I see all the time, but a friend I knew was there. But, I didn’t feel sorrow from the sign NOT being on that house (because I think those who reside in that house, unless they are our kids, are not worthy of the sign), but a loss of where the sign IS. Where did it go? I like to think it slowly flickered out due to lack of illumination. Like all of us were its lifeblood, and when we left it struggled to stay lit, but eventually its heart couldn’t beat anymore – just pitter patter poop. Well, one day it just dawned on me. I just put 2 and 2 together. Here are the facts. Fact. The last known visual on the sign was early summer 2005 by Carl’s friend Nate who goes to Provo every summer to recruit for his pest control business. Fact. Carl and I noticed the sign gone in September of 2005. Well, call it coincidence, but take a look at the email below from Dave Nabrotzky:
On 11 Aug 2005 00:34:46 Dave Nabrotzky at davenabrotzky@hotmail.com wrote:
Hey guys,
I have decided to go out on a limb and leave Beneficial. They have been so good to me but I hate corporate America and want to be my own boss again. I am moving in 11 days to Nashville. My brother Steve started an construction company and I will help him run it and also start my own mortgage and real estate company. We are extremely lucky to have some wealthy TN guys want to invest a lot of money into it. We eventually will buy 100 acres and do the developing as well as build all the residential homes. I am so excited for this opportunity and plan on living in Spring Hill, TN for quite a while. Crazy, huh!
new cell is 615-478-1536. We just bought a lot and will start building right away.
Fact. Dave Nabrotzky, aka Mr. Illegal, moved away in August of 2005. Hmm? Very interesting. Coincidence? I think NOT. Using Google Maps I typed in ‘Spring Hill, TN’ and zoomed in as far as I could. And, what do you know. Take a look at the satellite image I found (at the beginning of this page). This is what I saw. What is that mysterious glowing blue light?
Down to the final three. What might they be? Tune in tomorrow. Same bat channel. Not really the same time or anything. I have a lot of work and its just like I'll get to it when I get to it.
Jamie-- are you sure that that is Spring Hill, TN? it looks awfully similar to another spot that Mr. Illegal spent a lot... and i MEAN, A LOT of his time. for some odd reason, this tune strikes me as a look at this BEAUTIFUL map.... "When the clock strikes,..." well, many of you know that rest of that... especially Dave! hey, what's that on the wall? if you blow it up, it seems to spell D...A...V...E... wait a minute, Dave-- are you really in TN???!!!
This cracks me up. Dave, are you really in TN? I bet you're actually building your house in the golf course behind Mrs. Sanchez's house.
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