Thursday, January 04, 2007

2006 Hotel California #9 Event of the Year

#9 On, May 18th 2006 an announcement found its way into the news. It didn’t make the front page. Wasn’t the biggest headline. It even took a few clicks to get to from a home page. But, it was news to us as Hotel Californians. To our ears, it sounded something like this:
SX: Energetic music blarring in the background with drum rolls beating.
VO: (With a lingering echo) AND NOW now now now, YOUR 2006 six six six All-IRONMAN TEAM SELECTION ection ection ection…HAHNZ hahnz hahnz hahnz OLSEN.”
SX: Loud, eruptive cheering.
Hans: Thanks, I’m honored to accept this award. But, so you know, its Hans. Like dance or pants. Not Hahnz.
This year’s #9 event goes to the nephew of the legendary Merlin Olsen, Mr. Hans Olsen for earning a prestigious award on the All-Ironman Team for the AFL. Take a read.

Thursday, May 18, 2006
Olsen named to AFL All-Ironman team 5/19
Daily Herald

SALT LAKE CITY -- A key anchor in the middle of the line this season, Utah Blaze OL/DL Hans Olsen was named to the Arena Football League All-Ironman Team on Thursday.

Olsen, a former Cougar currently in his third AFL season, was one of 14 selections named and only one of three linemen to make the squad. The honor came one day after teammate Siaha Burley was named to the AFL All-Arena second team as an offensive specialist.

"It definitely ranks up there with one of my top accomplishments, like living in the Hotel California" Olsen said. "It's awesome to come in and make an impact in a league like this and to be recognized for it."

The term "Ironman" is the epitome of the AFL. An "All-Ironman" selection recognizes the players who excel in all facets of the game -- offense, defense and special teams. Players named to this team are recognized as the best two-way performers at their respective positions and are candidates for the league's most prestigious award -- the Ironman of the Year -- which will be announced on June 1.

Olsen recorded 11.5 total tackles, including 2.5 tackles for loss, while starting all but one game for the Blaze in 2006, helping the first-year franchise make the playoffs, where Utah will play at Arizona on Saturday in the first round. He was tied for the team lead in sacks (2.0) and blocked a field goal in the closing seconds during the season finale against the Kansas City Brigade to help clinch a postseason berth with the 55-54 victory. On the offensive side of the ball, Olsen helped keep the Blaze quarterbacks safe by not allowing a sack all season.

Great stuff. Already Hans is getting TV time. Joe told us all about Hans being on TV.

Hans on tv
Just to let every one know Hans was on Sports Beat, on KSL. I tried looking it up but couldn't find it...maybe one of you smart guys can find it. It was on the 17 of Sept. I think.
posted by joetheshow @ 11:41 AM

Now, ask anyone of us who lived with him in the Hotel and we’ll tell you we saw this coming. Any person who gives roommates sharkies, breaks defenseless high school wrestling opponents’ arms, pins roommates’ faces to the ceiling, instigates brawls at concerts while working as a bouncer, and dances on tables at public family restaurants wearing only a black banana hammock is basically destined to win the AFL Ironman award. Either that or join WWF. Hmmm?? Could that be the next chapter for Hans Olsen? We’ll wait and see. In the meantime, we’ll all make sure we tune in to ‘experience the inferno’ this year.

Now Hans, if you’re listening, in addition to all the tackles, sacks, forced turnovers, and blocking you’ll do this season, could you do us a favor? Utah sport teams follow a really annoying practice. It’s this whole ‘Z’ thing. It’s gotta stop. What irks me the most is that the ‘Z’ doesn’t even belong to Utah. It came to them when they acquired the Jazz from New Orleans in 1979. And since then, they’ve named all their sports teams with Zs. What gives? The JaZZ. The GriZZlies. The BuZZ. The StarZZ. The BlitZZ. The FreeZZ. And you’re on the BlaZe. It’s disgusting. Please reverse this trend. Thank you. And congrats on your achievement that earned you a spot on this year’s Hotel California Top Ten.

Stay tuned tomorrow as we count down #8, #7, and #6. What could they be? Do you know? Do you have any clues?

1 comment:

Litos said...

Yez, Hansel-- congratz!! I also saw Hansel's cheekz on the TV just recently-- he was on Sportz Beat, maybe New Year's Day night?? Iz that right? He waz the color commentator and waz yucking it up with the host-- it waz classic. I waz tempted to call in az "Hurricane" from Weezer, Idaho and ask some questionz about the Hotel on TV, but alaz... I did not. I think you have a future in broadcasting, Hansel... but we need to develop a way you signal all the Hotel when you get TV time. Think about it.