#2. Occasionally Hotel Californians need each other. We’re like a brotherhood. We need to mourn with those that mourn and comfort those that stand in need of comfort. And in some cases we need to step up and help a brother in need. This year’s No. 2 goes out to our boy Jonny and his wife Michelle who need us. Many of us learned back in September of a physical ailment that fought to bring down Jonny. Through faith and prayers Jonny overcame it. And as we learned it was all faith because the health care was subpar and that’s an understatement. But what this experience showed us was the hidden turmoil that he and Michelle are going through. Have a read of Michelle’s update on Jonny’s medical situation that many received on the 31st of August.
From: jonnynabs1@msn.comTo: brittnabs@gmail.com; cameronhulse@hotmail.com; cfblomquist@juno.com; rogerblom@juno.com; geekknocker@hotmail.com; craig@blomquistfamily.net; craig@appafinefoods.com; cm@blomquistfamily.net; nabrotzkym@yahoo.com; svrblomq@ihc.com; danandbec@cox.net; dlrail@comcast.net; douglas.lucinda.johnson@gmail.com; gloriahellewell@hotmail.com; hollymbarker@yahoo.com; kristicrunch@gmail.com; gold_flower05@yahoo.com; s231279@hotmail.com; laurieseil@sbcglobal.net; lclark@dsdmail.net; linda@sumsion.com; no_1snaredrum@burgoyne.com; gtoddlermom05@hotmail.com; thebrantleybunch@gmail.com; kc7awq@readytek.net; chellcraig@aol.com; mindyvdg@gmail.com; monicagardnermft@gmail.com; monicagardnermft@msn.com; nabrotzky@googlegroups.com; pamelamoose@q.com; paul@mousetrix.com; roger.blomquist@imail.org; roger.blomquist@intermountainmail.org; slfn@juno.com; scottandlolita@hotmail.com; porter_shanna@hotmail.com; sharalee@mysuperiorhome.com; tlchandler@tennr.cc; tibimaw@hotmail.com; tnabrotzky@hotmail.com
Subject: JONNY UPDATE :)
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2008 10:43:31 -0600
Hi y'all. Jonny says hello. He either got in a f
ight with a funky Parasite, a Mean Mosquito, or some other crazy living discusting slime eating organism.
Whatever it was definately won. After 7 amazing days in the hospital of sports, in-room service, and daily fresh linens, Jonny gets to return home. They wanted to finish out the 7 day treatment for 'Whatever it was!'
There were so many blessings, and I think all things being considered, it went really well!
He is feeling quite a bit better. The medicine makes him feel a bit Yuck, but from talking to a million other people who've experienced something similar, that is normal. And they've all made a full recovery and have a really fun story to add to their India adventures.
I am so afraid that any other places in the world that we travel will be such a let down for everyone. Our stories won't be nearly as interresting.
The crank on the bed lowers and raises his head and feet. We had a lot of fun with that!!! 'Ready for another ride DADDY!?WHEEEEEEEE!'
The bandaid on the end of the bed was covering the tetanus infested rusty edge. hee hee. and a few days into the stay, they had to change his mattress because they were having a problem with flees.
We laughed and laughed and laughed. It just doesn't get any better!!!
Love, THe naBroTZky BuNch
I wouldn’t normally do this, but I’m using the Hotel California Top Ten for good. I’m using it as a call out to all Hotel Californians. Jonny and Michelle need us. They need our help. And all the persons on Michelle’s original email, they need you, too. Geekknocker, we need you. Number 1 snaredrum, you’re role is vital. Pamelamoose and christicrunch our friends need you now more than ever. Let me just be the first to say -- Jonny and Michelle, you guys can work this out. Whatever it is, you can work it out. You’re relationship is worth saving. Nothing can tear you apart. I believe in you guys. Find that love again. Remember when you got married and your honeymoon. Go to that happy place. C’mon everyone. Let’s all help them. We can hopefully make the difference for their long and lasting marriage.
Congrats Jonny for the #2 spot and I don’t think you’re slimy at all.
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