Thursday, January 08, 2009

#7. Our 7th event on the 2008 Hotel California Top Ten goes to our boy Dave Nabrotzky. Congrats Dave. Now let me tell you what he did and how he earned this spot. What was initially thought to be one of the most disturbing emails of the year, actually turned into a dream for Mr. Dave Nabrotzky. It took some digging to uncover, though. Let me explain. Much of the story will be told through pictures. On June, 4th many of us received the following email from Dave Nabrotzky with the following picture attachments.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dave Nabrotzky <>
Date: Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 9:57 AM
Subject: Mindy Nabrotzky
I know a few of you knew Mindy well. So I wanted to send you a four pictures of her and her finance, Steve Vandegraf. He is a stud and treats her like a princess! He loves sports, fishing, and most important…soccer! Her wedding is July 26th in Utah. I know you will all get invitations. Enjoy! I can't believe this is my little sister : )

So, as you can see Dave shared his excitement for his sister’s engagement. But what was the real hidden agenda and motive for sending this email? The frontrunning theory was a disturbing one, I must say. I didn’t want to believe it, but the evidence was all there. Dave had a crush on his sister. Admittedly, and ashamedly I entertained this theory. Look at that last line, “I can’t believe this is my little sister.” WITH, the smiley emoticon, :). Those don’t just get thrown around. They’re meaningful. For those of us who discovered it, we knew what to do. We had to shut the door and we swore ourselves to silence. This couldn’t come out. Dave is married. He has a family. A business to run. Sure, he lives in Tennessee, but times have changed and that sort of thing is frowned on now. We had to bury this.

But, i tossed and turned that night, knowing their must be some other explanation. So by the candlelight into the wee hours of the morning, I kept digging. And I soon discovered the emoticon must be a TYPO! See Dave is prone to typos. Take a look at the second line of his email. “So I wanted to send you a four pictures…” I had it. I figured it out. But what kind of typo, I didn’t yet know. I had to do more digging before it was too late. Then, ladies and gentlemen, I stumbled upon an earlier email from Dave that shed some light on the mystery -- and it finally hit me. His cryptic emails, were intended to be diplomatic and kind to his sister, but his true intentions can be read between the lines. Take a read through his email and see if you can see it.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dave Nabrotzky <>
Date: Mon, Feb 4, 2008 at 2:05 PM
Subject: Romney pictures
This was cool. We had a chance to have breakfast with Governor Romney this morning in TN. He is so awesome and I hope he gets some momentum on super Tuesday. Remember to vote and get all your friends to vote too! The first pic is Bill Haggerty who is Mitt's National finance campaign manager and is in charge of all his fundraising. He is also a stud and I know he and Mitt would for sure be addicted to Sandy.
Dave J. Nabrotzky

Did you see it? Did you read between the lines. Dave didn’t have a crush on his sister. He wanted her to marry Mitt. It’s all right there in black and white. Clear as day. Take a look at both emails. To whom does Dave refer to as a stud? Mindy’s fiancĂ©, Steve Vandegraf and Bill Haggerty – NOT Mitt Romney. He refers to him as AWESOME! We all know that’s Dave’s word. After his first date with Trish, what did he say when he came home? Awesome! The second piece of evidence is the tone. Dave is wishing Mitt success and asking us to take action, “I hope he gets some momentum…remember to vote…” What does he say about his sister’s engagement? Just facts. Nothing like, “I hope they’ll be happy.” And nothing like, “You gotta go to the wedding.” No, because Dave wanted her to marry Mitt. But, the case-closed solid evidence that utterly convinced me and all the rest of the sister-crush theorists was the last line of the Mitt Romney email. “…Mitt would for sure be addicted to Sandy.” We ALL know that Dave’s one true love in life is Sandy. He gave his approval to Mitt not Steve. Steve got a soccer mention. Yah. Dave loves soccer, but soccer is not Sandy. Not even close.

So, back to the typo. What Dave typed was a :), but what he meant to type was a ;). With a wink. And that cryptic wink was actually a call for help to all recipients of his email. He was saying, “Help me Hotel Californians. Help me sabotage this wedding so that my sister still has a chance with Mitt.” Well, Dave, your dream may be dead. But now we know the truth and that has earned you the #7 spot this year.

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